I have been exhausted and busy!!! I started a new job doing dispatching for a police department and I am in training. There are LOTS of things to learn and do! But I love it!! The preg is going well! I gained 3 lbs only to lose it the next week! The docs aren't worried b/c Declan is about 5 lbs now and VERY active! I had some contractions during my NSTs, but I guess they weren't enough to worry anyone! We had some really cool ultrasounds done last week and the tech took lots of pics. We brought Aidan with us and he started singing and talking to his brother! When Declan heard him, the tech had the wand focused at Dec's face and he smiled! The tech couldn't get a pic, but we all saw it! It was really awesome! I go to the doc again on Fri and hopefully I will be able to post some new info!
1 comment:
What a cute little guy! Thanks for all your sweet comments..I can't wait to see pics of your new little one..Aiden will fall in love..Faith can't get enough of her brother and sister. Isn't being a mommy the best!
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