Wow! I cannot believe it has been almost 7 months since my last post!! I guess it's a good thing I do this for my own enjoyment-lol! Anyways.......Declan was born on April 23, 2008 at exactly 9 am, weighing 7lbs 5 oz. He is now a happy, healthy 5 month old, who likes to hear his big brother's voice! Aidan can do almost anything to make Declan laugh! I swear, the best sound in the whole world is your children laughing at each other! We have also learned that Declan is predominantly left handed! Chad and I are both lefties, so this is really cool to us! Aidan started Kindergarten in August and is doing great! He has a few listening problems, but we were expecting that! Aidan has always been a stubborn kid who wants to do things his way. The best thing about Aidy is that he genuinely cares about others, and wants to be watchful of his actions towards them. He doesn't like it when his friends say he is "bad". He is starting to understand that they say that only when he misbehaves. He gets a "blue paw print" on his daily calendar when he is good, so he has been working to get one everyday. Chad got him a teddy bear hamster for his good behavior, which he named Gary, after Spongebob's pet snail. He talks to Gary like he would a friend! It's really cute, but he tried to put Gary on the phone with me the other night and was disappointed when we couldn't communicate-lol! As for me......I had to start over in training when I came off maternity b/c I was only at the department for 4 months. It has actually worked to my advantage.......all the times I had to leave work sick ("morning sickness" my ass!)were erased and my slate was clean! I went back on June 31st and will be out of training on the 28th of October. I am a little scared about dispatching to the police, but I have been very lucky to be able to train with the best person in the communications center! Lisa is not only a great trainer, but she has become a great friend! I sincerely enjoy going to work! She has a wonderful way of letting me go independently, but also anticipating my mistakes. Instead of letting me screw up and feel bad, she will take over at the perfect time and let me sit back and learn. It has been an absolute joy to go to work- and learn how to be a great dispatcher! Chad has been working full time, going to school full time and being the best husband ever! He has been working very hard to keep all of us afloat and I support his every decision. He starts working nights on Oct 11, and goes to school during the day. On Oct 5, I start working first shift. We are trying to get a sitter for Declan during the day- hopefully this wonderful girl from church- so that I can work and he can go to school without worry! I am sure it will all work out! Until next time..................................